Citizens Advice Wealden
We provide free, confidential, independent and impartial advice and campaign on big issues affecting people's lives.
Our goal is to help everyone find a way forward, whatever problem they face.
We are an independent charity and are part of the Citizens Advice network across England and Wales.
People come to us with all sorts of issues. You may have money, benefit, housing or employment problems, you may be facing a crisis or just considering your options.
We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination wherever we see it.
Contact us
Call our Freephone Advice Line on 0808 278 7811 or 0800144 8848 to speak to an Adviser
or visit your local office. For opening times :
We use our clients' experience, stories and evidence to research and campaign for positive change
Volunteer with us
See our volunteering opportunities
Email: da@wealdencitizensadvice.org.uk
Call: 01825 705723
Donate and help us to keep
Giving advice for freeWithout the generous support of people up and down the country, we couldn't continue to do the work we do.
Our supporters
Thank you to all supporters of our service